Individual Paper
10. Healing Bodies: Medicine, Well-being, Sport
Background: The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia states that the prevalence of stunting in school children aged 5-12 years is 27.7% with a prevalence of 19.4% short and 8.3% very short. Based on the 2018 Riskesdas results, the national stunting prevalence for 5-12 year olds was 24%. Indonesia as an archipelago with almost 100,000 km of coastline and more than seventeen thousand islands has abundant access to fish resources from both the sea and rivers. In 2018, the Indonesian government targeted fish consumption to increase to 50.65 kg per capita per year. However, this target has not been achieved, so it can be said that the Indonesian people still have a low consumption pattern or culture of eating fish. Based on data from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), the fish consumption rate in Indonesia was 55.37 kilograms (kg) per capita in 2021.
Objective: To measure the effectiveness of providing nutrition education related to eating fish using creative animated video media and card games on increasing marine fish consumption in elementary school children in grades 4-6.
Methods: This study used a quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test using systematic random sampling technique. The research subjects were 30 children consisting of 10 children in class IV, 10 children in class V, and 10 children in class VI. The level of knowledge related to food and nutrition was measured by administering a questionnaire total 10 multiple choice questions. Data analysis used paired sample t-test.
Dinda Arum Sari
Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia