Individual Paper
3. Prosperity, the Pains of Growth and its Governance
Class division on trains in train and tram companies in Dutch East Indies is representation of social stratification structure. Class division on trains in Dutch East Indies era is caused by racism and structural poverty. In Marxist perspective, racism is the product of colonialism. This paper using Frantz Fanon’s concept of colonial racism and Syed Hussein Alatas’s on lazy Natives myths. Marx’s concept of poverty and wealth inequality used to understand roots of Natives welfare problems. Structural poverty experienced by majority of Natives in Indies made access to rail transportation limited. In general there was 3 class division of trains in Indies, which is first class to third class. First class spend most money than cheap third class. This made lower class of society dominated by Natives could not access first and second class trains. Merely fewer rich Natives and royal family (zelfbestuur) could luxuriate upper class of trains. Caused by Natives experienced structural poverty due to racism. There was difference system and maximum wages for European and Natives worker. Low wages made Natives lived in mediocre, even lower condition. That implicate to just accessible third class for Natives. The cost of living was too much at the time. Separated on trains became unavoidable.
Muhammad Rizky Pradana
Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia