Individual Paper
3. Prosperity, the Pains of Growth and its Governance
Regional cooperation is a dynamic phenomenon in world politics. It may be seen as one of the few instruments that are available to states to manage the effects of globalization. If individual states no longer have the effective capacity to regulate the uncontrolled movements of capital or manage disaster, then regionalism may be seen as a means to regain some control over global market forces and mutually benefit from each other- in terms to sharing of research, health care facilities and capital –to counter the more negative social consequences of globalization. And move towards sustainable development.
Today, the uncertainty of global economic environment underlines the importance of regional dynamics and interdependence especially for the developing world. So the only way to overcome the problems of globalisation is through institution-building on regional level by cooperation.
Although recent past has seen rapid economic globalization characterized by the supranational spatial integration of economies but there is a large disparities abound in access to needs such as shelter, food and clean water, sustainable livelihoods, technology etc. Inequalities in all of these realms pose challenges to human security and environmental sustainability.
This paper will focus on the negative impacts of globalisation and how is it leading to deglobalisation. And it will also explore the increasing relevance of regional cooperation especially in the case of developing world can help to improve the access to resources among the developing countries and can benefit the region in terms of the preservation of natural assets, food security etc.
Suman Kumari
Jamia Millia Islamia, India