Theme: 2. From Oceanic Crossroads: Empires, Networks and Histories
Ananya Kabir
King's College London, United Kingdom
Luca Raimondi
King's College London, United Kingdom
Priyanka Basu
King's College London, United Kingdom
Ananya Kabir
King's College London, United Kingdom
Luca Raimondi
King's College London, United Kingdom
Rosa Beunel-Fogarty
King's College London, United Kingdom
Sandrine Soukaï
Université Gustave Eiffel, France
Arunima Bhattacharya
Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom
Mahmood Kooria
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Nukhbah Langah
Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
Roundtable Abstract: This round table will discuss the special issue on ‘Archipelagic Memory and Indian Ocean Literary Studies’ to be published in May 2024 as volume 2.1 of Monsoon: Journal of the Indian Ocean Rim, the flagship journal from The Africa Institute, Sharjah. Co-edited by Professor Ananya Jahanara Kabir and Dr Luca Raimondi, this special issue brings together five cutting-edge essays on literary approaches to the Indian Ocean world, the first-ever English translation of a lecture by the Japanese cultural critic, Ryuta Imafuku, the first conversation between memory studies scholar Michael Rothberg and cultural activist Vijaya Teelock, as well as an introduction by the co-editors which makes the case for archipelagic memory as a new approach for the Indian Ocean world. How can this approach contribute to the project of ‘Archipelagic Asias’ which the co-editors have also brought to IIAS-ICAS 13? What crossways of knowledge open? Participants in the round table will include Professor Kabir, Dr Raimondi, two of the contributors to the special issue Dr Nikhita Obeegadoo and Dr Rosa Beunel, as well as representatives from the four linked panels ‘Archipelagic Asias’ convened by Professor Kabir, Dr Raimondi, and Dr Priyanka Basu: e.g. Dr Basu, Dr Mahmood Kooria, Dr Sandrine Soukai, Dr Arunima Bhattacharya, and Dr Nukhbah Langah.
Roundtable sponsored by: King’s College London, with additional funding from the European Commission.