5. Transmitting Knowledges: Institutions, Objects and Practices
Klinken, Gerry van. Undangan Pemikiran Ekologis Untuk Indonesia (Invitations to Ecological Thought in Indonesia). Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Forthcoming [2024].
Where is the Indonesian climate justice movement? Why are university social scientists not questioning the coal export industry, the biggest in the world? At the same time, Why are they not demanding the climate debt the OECD world owes to their country?
This small handbook is for Indonesian students in the social sciences and humanities who are looking for innovative ideas to address the ecological crisis, in their own country and around the world: historians, political scientists, philosophers, religious studies, anthropologists, economists. Because they know “business as usual” is not enough.
With discussion questions, exercises, project suggestions, and reading lists.
About 16 chapters, each 4,000 words, for total 64,000 words – with illustrations.
Gerry van Klinken
Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian & Caribbean Studies (KITLV), Netherlands