Theme: 5. Transmitting Knowledges: Institutions, Objects and Practices
Di Liu
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Xiaoyi Nie
Royal College Of Art, United Kingdom
Di Liu
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Johnson Tsong-zung Chang
China Academy of Art, China
Xiaoyi Nie
Royal College Of Art, United Kingdom
Putra Hidayatullah
UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Berto Tukan
Gudskul Ekosistem Jakarta, Indonesia
Sipei Lu
Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, China
Contemporary art and its global infrastructure have long been a site for discussion and debate, often in the form of art criticism and writings about art — which are also related to 'parrhesia,' as discussed by Michele Foucault, a practice of speaking the truth. In transnational and transcultural contexts, art criticism by critics, creative writings by artists, and unbound writings derived from artworks and curatorial projects contribute to contemporary discourses across borders, but they also face enormous challenges depending on the context.
The distinctive nature of art writings often involves tracing personal feelings, embodied experiences and family histories, in addition to academic formulation, as a process of knowledge production. Unlike conventional art historical writing, art writing is contemporaneous with evolving art practices and reflects the contemporary world that is at the same time historically contingent. It aims for a broader audience and emphasises real-life experiences, to a large extent, over scientific analysis or theoretical abstraction. In this panel, we would like to propose art writings of/for art as a new site for thinking about inter-Asian connections and postcolonial conditions, both in history and at present. We have invited writers and artists of Chinese or Southeast Asian origin who have had migrational experiences and have undergone or are currently undergoing rigorous academic training while remaining involved in art practices, individually or collectively. Each panellist will address a specific issue in their respective fields and explore art writing as a form of intervention, with a focus on critiquing historical moments, exhibitions, art practices involving (diasporic) Chinese in Asia and beyond. These papers aim to conceive new ways of capturing transnational and inter-Asian imaginations, and the fluidity of postcolonial discourses in the Sinophone as well as Asian contemporary art world. Presenter: Xiaoyi Nie – Royal College Of Art Presenter: Putra Hidayatullah – UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh Presenter: Berto Tukan – Gudskul Ekosistem Jakarta Presenter: Sipei Lu – Guangzhou Academy of Fine ArtsPresentations: