Late Breaking - Panel
6. Using the Arts, Media and Culture: Contestations and Collaborations
Social media accelerates the rate of information, but does not guarantee accuracy. Hoaxes are growing increasingly fertile, mediated by digitalization. This paper focuses on the role of social media in the process of debunking hoaxes in Indonesia with a specific experience on the very recent 2024 presidential election. Previous studies show that social media has been considered to be a fertile place for the spread of hoaxes and at the same time accelerates the spread of hoaxes. During the 2024 Presidential Election debate, and on the election day, a number of journalist from various media organizations in Indonesia collaborated to carry out joint fact-checking work. The fact check contents they produced were distributed through social media and sparked discussion in public spaces, especially supporters of each candidate. This autoethnography notes found that social media has the potential to play a crucial role in the dynamics of debunking hoaxes in Indonesia.
Co-Author 1
Anton Novenanto, Universitas Brawijaya
Anastasya Andriarti
Bakrie University, Indonesia