ICAS 13 PRE-EVENT: “Dolan Kapirel”: Surabaya Train Track Kampung Festival
Saturday, July 27, 2024
13:00 – 21:00 (GMT+7)
SOLD OUT! The art performance and food bazaar, which will begin at 19:00, will be open to the public (ICAS and non-ICAS participants). Everyone is welcome to join. Those who are interested in joining the event are required to organize their own transportation to/from Kampung Tambak Bayan.
Festival Concept: Surabaya’s old city center is a mosaic of kampung – self-built settlements that predated industrial urbanisation – and all are subject to development pressures by being in the second largest city of Indonesia. Social and cultural capital of each kampung are potentials to collectively advocate for tenure security, in conjunction with the concept of sustainable kampung. Organized by local residents and Community Architects of East Java (Arkom Jatim), with support from the Southeast Asia Neighbourhoods Network (SEANNET), Kampung Kota Festival takes place in two kampungs of Surabaya: Dupak Magersari and Tambak Bayan. The first is adjacent to a railway track, while the latter is a Chinese descent neighbourhood. Through everyday arts and culinary practices with residents, the festival explores the synergy between kampung habitus and principles of sustainability.
Kampung Dupak Magersari received acknowledgement from the city “Surabaya Hebat” program, a “sustainable kampung” competition. While the city’s official program emphasized on waste management and circular economy, such as waste bank, recycling product, and urban farming, the objective of this festival is to explore deeper into social, ecological, and spatial realities of settlements along train tracks. The shaping of sustainably safe spaces adjacent to the tracks is a mix of everyday practices and structural forces that impose limitations but also allow rooms for actions and negotiations for social change.
On the other hand, Kampung Tambak Bayan has become public attention due to the land conflict between the residents, who have been living for over three generations, and a hotel investor. The neighbourhoods resist to the land acquisition by the hotel through arts and other social activism. Recently, the Surabaya Municipality accommodated the idea to remake the neighbourhood a tourist destination. However, the plan must meet with various technical and institutional difficulties.
The details of the festival are as follows: 1. Time: a half-day trip on Saturday, 27 July 2024, 2pm-9pm. 2. Target participants: General public and ICAS conference participants (max. 30 persons) 3. Activities
The festival’s kampung experience will be a demonstration of community-based experiential learning. Residents of the two kampungs will provide local guides to introduce the settlements and to go around kampung on bemo – public transport vans that are commonly used by residents for their daily activities. The festival ends with a traditional arts performances and food bazaar in which participants can enjoy entertainment and traditional culinary provided by the residents.
3a. Kampung Dupak Magersari Participants will immerse in the following social activities while enjoying kampung snacks: ● Workshops: making a replica of dandang (traditional rice cooker) and making candles from cooking oil waste. ● Waste sorting. All the above activities will be conducted nearby the train tracks, providing participants a sensation-stimulating experience of train passing in proximity during the engagement.
3b. Kampung Tambak Bayan Festival activities consist of the following: • Workshops: making and painting lanterns. • Sharing experiences and reflections. • Traditional arts performances. • Food bazaar. Kampung festival in Dupak Magersari and Tambak Bayan is a platform not only for ICAS attendees to experience kampung’s life and culture; it is an organized, collaborative effort by local residents as part of their endeavour to secure land tenure. The visits are designed as experiential learning of sustainability practices of kampung, rather than as commercial kampung tourism, in order to engage meaningfully with scholars and – more broadly – general members of the public, for mutual knowledge enrichment of everyone involved.
Agenda on Saturday, 27 July 2024: 13:00 – meet up and open registration at the ASEEC Building, Campus B, Universitas Airlangga (https://maps.app.goo.gl/eYx6tDQFv1DG9J9p6). 14:00 – workshop at Kampung Dupak Magersari. 17:00 – workshop in Kampung Tambak Bayan. 19:00 – art performance & food bazaar in Kampung Tambak Bayan. The pre-event committee will provide return transportation from Kampung Tambak Bayan to ASEEC at 21:00. Participants are allowed to stay over for the food bazaar and art performances after 21:00, but please be responsible for own transportation.
For this ICAS 13 Pre-event a small fee of IDR 150.000 (approx. EUR 8,50) will be required, interested participants can register through this link: https://www.loket.com/event/dolan-kapirel
Puspitaningtyas Sulistyowati
Community Architects of East Java (Arkom Jatim), Indonesia