Session Name: [Humanities Across Borders] Knowhow in a Shifting World
5 - How do the locals imbricate transparency of the extractive industry sector?
Thursday, August 1, 2024
11:15 – 13:00 (GMT+7)
Location: ASEEC Tower, A8.01
“How do the locals imbricate transparency of the extractive industry sector?” will highlight that transparency as a manifest knowledge is shaped by variations of the decision chain of oil production related to land, knowledge and technology, labor, and investment. Transparency has been imbricated through (1) connecting transparency with local problems, (2) expanding the networks of actors in the implementation of transparency such as national, local, village governments, civil society organisations, international organisations, (3) connecting transparency with local contexts, (4) transmitting transparency with other local development issues such as decentralisation, village autonomy, and tourism. The practices of transparency at the local level work through the definition and expectations set by locals regarding ‘oil money’, which is shaped by the socio-material network of natural resources. The longer the upstream oil value chain process with fewer variations in oil material changes, the stronger the intensity of transparency practices complying to the global norm.