Metropolitan Autonomous University-Cuajimalpa, Mexico
Fernanda VÁZQUEZ-VELA, is a full professor at the Metropolitan Autonomous University-Cuajimalpa in Mexico City and BA Coordinator Program. Her lines of research engage Modern and Contemporary Indian History with Anthropology of the State. The projects in which she works now are: “The experience of violence: memory, identity and gender in India”, “Commissions and Committees of Inquiry in India”, “Mexico and India bilateral relations” and the “South Asian migration in Mexico”.
Her last publication in English is:
“Pain, Fear, Hatred and Revenge: the Circulation of Emotions in the Sikh State-Community Conflict in India through discourses and rumours”, chapter in press, UAM-Univesidad Iberoamericana.
Other publications in Spanish are: “Locating the Shaheed: Martyrdom, Symbol and Identity in Sikh History”, Béligand, Nadine, Ritos y practices funerarias, INAH. CESMECA, Secretaría de Cultura EDOMEX.
“Widow Jatha or the organization of widows after the pogroms of 1984", Academic journal LimiNar, 2021, pp. 101-117.
“Postcolonial Modernity and the City of Chandigarh”, in Adonon, Akuavi, Carballido, Laura, Galindo, Jorge y Vázquez Vela, Fernanda, Modernización y espacio. Imaginarios, ordenamientos y prácticas, Ciudad de México, UAM Cuajimalpa, 2018, pp. 190-216.
Asian Heritage, History/Historicity and Preservation
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
16:15 – 18:00 (GMT+7)
Bibi Sandeep Kaur Khalsa: The Sikh Militant, The Widow and Protector of the Orphans of Militancy
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
16:15 – 18:00 (GMT+7)