Theme: 5. Transmitting Knowledges: Institutions, Objects and Practices
Aarti Kawlra
International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), Netherlands
Aarti Kawlra
International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), Netherlands
Kevin Murray
Garland Magazine, Australia
Laila al Hamad
Zeri Crafts, Kuwait
Liliana Morais
Rikkyo University, College of Sociology, Department of Contemporary Culture, Japan
Sharon Tsang-de Lyster
Narrative Made; The Textile Atlas, Hong Kong
Kolokesa Mahina-Tuai
Lagi-Maama Academy & Consultancy and Knowledge House for Craft, New Zealand
Barbara Makuati-Afitu
Lagi-Maama Academy & Consultancy and Knowledge House for Craft, New Zealand
Roundtable Abstract: This Roundtable aims to continue an ongoing dialogue on crafts, initiated online during the pandemic, by a group of scholars and makers from across the globe. In the past two years, the Knowledge House for Craft (KHC) has emerged as a trans-regional, trans-cultural association for those who create and maintain craft knowledge in their networks, institutions, studios, and a variety of organizations ranging from museums and universities to studios and collectives around the world.
We are interested in re-vitalizing the role of making in contemporary society and sharing experiences from diverse perspectives – as craft researchers, practitioners, designers, facilitators. The Roundtable will be the first in-person meeting of the members of the KHC consortium and board. The Roundtable will be an occasion for us not only to invite new members, but also to further discuss our common interest in building a dynamic repository, including an annotated bibliography, on the value of the crafts especially from the perspective of the individuals and communities who sustain its everyday practice within wider ecologies.
Roundtable sponsored by: Knowledge House for Craft (KHC)