Theme: 5. Transmitting Knowledges: Institutions, Objects and Practices
Rita Padawangi
Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore
Loraine Kennedy
École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), France
Rita Padawangi
Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore
Rita Padawangi
Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore
Loraine Kennedy
École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), France
Joe Shaw
Urban Studies Foundation, United Kingdom
Rohit Negi
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University Delhi, India
Andre Ortega
Syracuse University, United States
Ofita Purwani
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
Ahmad Rifai
Kota Kita, Indonesia
Kristian Saguin
University of the Philippines - Diliman, Philippines
Hyun Bang Shin
London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom
Ramalis Sobandi
Pilar Tunas Nusa Lestari Foundation, Indonesia
Puspitaningtyas Sulistyowati
Community Architects of East Java (Arkom Jatim), Indonesia
Roundtable Abstract:
What is urban studies? Many scholars who study cities and urban life would have some kind of response to this question, and the range of answers would be an interesting to look at. Ronan Paddison (2010, x) bluntly pointed out that “what might be termed the field of urban studies has fuzzy boundaries and lacks any unified consensus as to its definition,” and “even the definition of what constitutes a city is itself contested.” While such fuzziness might give rise to tensions within urban studies, it also allows for a diversity of perspectives and critical discussions from various scholarly disciplines, fields of practice, and geographies. The Urban Studies Foundation (USF), a Scotland-based charitable organization that focuses on advancing academic research and education in the field of urban studies, is hosting a roundtable to open a space for discussion between Asia scholars and communities in Surabaya. The roundtable considers the following issues:
Questioning urban studies: What is urban studies from the perspective of Asia scholars and communities? What are possible directions for urban studies in the near future? What are important research topics in Asia that are often understudied; and why have they been understudied? What would be needed to encourage urban studies in these directions? The role of the USF: How do the activities and programs of the Urban Studies Foundation connect with Asia scholars and communities on the ground? To what extent can the Urban Studies Foundation play a role in the field of urban studies in and from Asia, today and in the future?
Roundtable sponsored by: Urban Studies Foundation ( )