Theme: 5. Transmitting Knowledges: Institutions, Objects and Practices
Dominique Lämmli
FOA-FLUX; and Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland
Dominique Lämmli
FOA-FLUX; and Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland
Mee Ping Leung
Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Ramalis Sobandi
Pilar Tunas Nusa Lestari Foundation, Indonesia
Reza Prima
Pilar Tunas Nusa Lestari Foundation, Indonesia
Tasya Taranusyura
Pilar Tunas Nusa Lestari Foundation, Indonesia
Creative and artistic methods and strategies are valued across disciplines as suitable tools for knowledge creation and dissemination. Although the effects of arts-based methods have been widely acknowledged, these claims have been criticised for rarely being scientifically substantiated. Still needed is deep reflection on the reach and limits of creative and artistic means. This panel will contribute to the critical discussion on arts-based strategies in socio-cultural and transformative settings. The panel focuses on a set of questions, which will be discussed through the presented project lenses. The panellists will address the roles of art and creative methods in knowledge creation and dissemination; the challenges involving many people; and the reciprocal relationships at the various stages of a project or movement. The panellists will discuss how to keep the knowledge creation and dissemination sustainable; which knowledge bases can be integrated; and who decides which knowledge bases are acceptable for what and whom? The transdisciplinary panel will support a comparative analysis of the different understandings of creative means and ethical relationships and how they are put to work when applied. The presentations will start with a reporting of a recent research on “Socially Engaged Art in Post-Colonial Hong Kong and Southeast Asia” led by the principal investigator Leung Mee Ping. The research included case studies from Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. This presentation is then followed by projects from Jawa Barat. The director of Pilar Tunas Nusa Lestari Fondation, Ramalis Sobandi, will present the research rationales of the “8 Cities Research” which focused on empowering young adults to take up active roles as citizens and contribute to societal change. Tasya Taranusyura, junior researcher and public engagement officer at Nusa Lestari Fondation, will discuss the 'Ruang Riung Ceria' Project (Bandung) and focus on the community-driven knowledge accumulation and dissemination through social media. Reza Prima, urban researcher at Pilar Tunas Nusa Lestari Fondation, will discuss storytelling as a co-creative means for developing a tourism plan of the Bandung Old Town Area. The last presentation will discuss a project initiated in the context of Jatiwangi art Factory. Since 2005, JaF focuses on real-world changes, co-creating liveable futures and is known for its people-centred approaches. Bunga Siagian will discuss the Badan Kajian Pertanahan (BKP) and their Mother Bank in Kampung Wates, a village on the outskirts of Jatiwangi.
Presenter: Mee Ping Leung – Hong Kong Baptist University
Presenter: Ramalis Sobandi – Pilar Tunas Nusa Lestari Foundation
Presenter: Reza Prima – Pilar Tunas Nusa Lestari Foundation
Presenter: Tasya Taranusyura – Pilar Tunas Nusa Lestari Foundation